It is an important document if you want to live and work in Germany. “Anmeldung” means “registration.” To obtain it, you must register your residence in Germany. To register, you must make an appointment online or by phone with the registry office (Buergeramt or Buergerbuero) in the municipality where you live. If you live in a small town, you can go directly.
Find out what documents you need, because they vary from municipality to municipality (identity card, lease agreement or other).
Once you have submitted the required documents and filled out the forms, you will receive your certificate of residence. (Registration).
Everyone who wants to work or live in Germany for longer than 3 months must register.
According to the law, the registration must be done within 14 days.
Steuer identification
As soon as you have registered your residence in Germany, the office will inform the tax office. Within a week or two, your German tax identification number (Steuer- ID) will automatically be sent to you by mail.
The number is unique and will never change, so if you lose it, you must request a duplicate from the tax office.
The tax number (Steuer- ID) is needed by anyone who wants to work in Germany and needs to open a bank account.
Health insurance
In Germany, everyone, whether employee or self-employed, must take out health insurance.
You have the choice between a statutory and a private health insurance. If you choose statutory insurance, the amount to be paid is deducted monthly from your salary. This amount changes depending on your salary and the type of insurance.
If you choose private insurance, nothing will be deducted from your salary, but you will have to pay for the insurance yourself. The amount to be paid depends on the type of insurance chosen.