Finding jobs in Italy nowadays can be very difficult and in any case requires perseverance and patience. One must research systematically and not neglect any of the available means. First, you need to prepare a good resume and cover letter. Now we are ready to consider the means available to find a job:
Job search via the employment offices
- Employment offices
These are public offices located in all cities and administered at the provincial level, responsible for providing free assistance to job seekers. The employment offices, which have replaced the old labor offices and are responsible for issuing the professional card, carry out job placement activities and also search for personnel on behalf of companies. Registration at the Labor Office is not obligatory, but it is essential for receiving unemployment benefits and can help you find the most suitable job offers for you. Any unemployed person can register with the employment office as long as he or she has a residence in Italy.
- Employment agencies
Labor agencies are private entities licensed by the Ministry of Labor and registered in a special registry. They perform various activities:
(a) Provision of personnel: (formerly temporary employment), in practice, the employee is hired by the agency, which then places him or her with other companies.
(b) Mediation: they mediate between labor supply and demand, facilitating the meeting between worker and company.
(c) Investigation and selection of personnel: They advise companies in their search for suitable candidates for one or more required positions.
(d) Assistance in professional reorientation: they deal with the reorientation of people in the labor market and accompany them in the phase of reintegration in the new activity on a path of preparation, training and research.
I would like to point out the main employment agencies in Italy.
You can apply for the jobs advertised by the agencies by connecting to their websites.
- Adecco, the most famous international agency with branches also in Italy
- Alipsa,, also specialized in the construction sector
- Randstad, another very important and well-known agency
- Manpower,, American agency present with 2,800 offices in 80 countries
- Etjca, well-known agency
- Maw, agency with branches in Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Marche
- Lavoropiu , Italian agency
- Openjob, Italian agency
- Synergie , International agency
- Gi group, International agency
Internet Job Search
Finding jobs in Italy – Job search via job search engines
These job search engines collect and group all the job offers on the net. So they contain thousands of offers and are a very good search tool:
- Career jet, search engine in more than 50 countries and translated into 20 languages.
- Jobrapido, a search enginein 58 countries around the world. The most used in Italy.
- Trovit, in many countries of the world
- Bancalavoro, search engine for job offers in Italy
Job search via online recruitment agencies
They post ads on behalf of agencies, companies, businesses, etc.. Generally, applicants can contact the company they are interested in directly through the website:
- Infojobs, the most popular online recruiter in Italy
- Monster, another very popular online recruiter
- Lavoro corriere, hiring portal newspaper corriere della sera
- Mio job, hiring portal newspaper repubblica
Finding jobs in Italy– Search for work through applications
- Corner job,, is an application to find a job that is successful among young people, since the job offers are aimed at people between 18 and 38 years old.
- App Jobber as soon as you launch the app on your phone, it automatically displays a map with your current location and all available jobs in the area
Finding jobs in Italy – Search for work through classifieds
Through these classifieds, everyone has the opportunity to post ads. Thus, companies can post ads to find employees and employees can post job requests.
- Vivastreet, classifieds with many job ads all over Italy
- Bakeago, classifieds with job offers and requests in Italy and abroad
- Help Lavoro, classifieds with job offers and requests in Italy, divided by regions
Search for work through social networks and blogs
On the Internet there are social networks for job search and social networks; you can use both types of social networks
Below I list the main social networks that you can use to search for work:
- LinkedIn, the social work network par excellence. It offers you the opportunity to create your own professional profile and build a network of contacts with companies and professionals in the fields that interest you.
- Xing, social work network. Less widespread in Italy than in other countries
- Viadeo, another professional social network, less popular than linkedin
- Twitter, a social network that is not professional in nature, but can be very useful for job searches if used correctly
- Facebook, the social network par excellence. It should be used primarily to use the technique of word of mouth to get information about possible job openings. There are also many job groups
- Blog: You can easily create a blog about your jobs.. If it is well done, contains interesting news and highlights your skills it can be a very useful tool for recruitment. Nowadays, creating a blog is very easy and cheap
Finding jobs in Italy – Search for work through online newspapers
Newspapers can also be helpful in finding a job.
- All major national and local newspapers usually publish job openings on certain days of the week. Find out what posting day is dedicated to job postings.
- Free newspapers often contain job offers.
- Bollettino del lavoro, job announcements
- Lavorare net, reports of job offers, contests and other information
- Gazzetta Ufficiale, where all public national tenders are published
- Regional Official Gazette, where all public tenders at the regional level are published
Search for work through the online self-application
Your self-application can be a very useful tool in your job search. Most companies have a section on their websites where job openings are posted and a section where you can send your resume toe.
You may wonder why send the resume to a company that does not need staff? It is true that the company, at that moment, does not need staff, but if the profile of your CV meets the needs of the company, it is likely that as soon as it is needed, they will contact you for an interview. Be careful when submitting your own application, always address it to the human resources manager, to avoid it ending up in another office with the risk of getting lost.
When looking for a job, you have to use all the tools available but, at the same time, don’t forget to also send your application to the companies that interest you.
Finally, there is the ANPAL, (National Agency for Active Labor Policies) website, where you can find a lot of information and updates on the employment situation in Italy.