Living and working in Los Angeles

Living and working in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the second largest metropolis in the United States by population, but it has no actual center. When we speak of Los Angeles, we usually refer to the Los Angeles metropolitan area, which includes a number of cities around it: Santa Monica, the Beach Cities, Century City, Beverly Hills and Brentwood, the Valley,…

Living and working in San Francisco

Living and working in San Francisco

In recent decades, San Francisco has grown from a small city to a metropolis, reaching nearly one million residents. Nevertheless, it has preserved its characteristic neighborhoods, each of which has its own soul and which one never tires of discovering and visiting. Perhaps it is this fascination that attracts many people from the United States…

Living and working in New York

Living and working in New York

Contrary to what many people think, in New York, in addition to most of the new buildings and skyscrapers, you can admire the architecture of the past with its buildings from the 19th centuries. New York is a metropolis rising partly on the mainland and partly on islands, of which Manhattan is the most famous.…

Living and working in Miami

Living and working in Miami

Many dream of living in Miami, because the city is commonly associated with a pleasant climate, sea, sun and fun all year round. And this is partly true, but Miami is also a huge metropolis with many different areas and neighborhoods. In any case the always blue sky and the beautiful beaches exert a strong…

Work in the marijuana harvest in California

Work in the marijuana harvest in California

The Californian fields are famous for their numerous vineyards. Many internationally known wineries with multi-million dollar sales are located in the California valleys. However, since the 1960s, when the medical use of marijuana was legalized in many U.S. states, many vineyards have been converted into marijuana fields, which offers greater benefits than wine. Many young…

Living and working in Alaska

Living and working in Alaska

Alaska is the 49th state of the United States and also the largest with beautiful landscapes: lakes, rivers, inlets and glaciers. But living in Alaska is not for everyone. If you like nature in its purest form, you will feel at home in its surroundings, because Alaska is full of natural parks where vegetation and…

Living and working in Chile

Living and working in Chile

Chile is one of the richest countries in all of South America. Chileans receive decent wages, and therefore many people from neighboring countries are currently living and working in Chile. A negative aspect that immediately strikes the eye is the fact that the inhabitants find it difficult to open up to people from abroad. Chileans…

Living and working in Vancouver

Living and working in Vancouver

Vancouver is located on the Pacific coast of Canada and is one of the most important ports on the Pacific Ocean. The city has about 700,000 inhabitants, is modern, characterized by skyscrapers and futuristic buildings, but at the same time is surrounded by natural landscapes of undeniable beauty. The city is equipped with modern infrastructure.…

Living and working on a Caribbean Islands

Living and working on a Caribbean Islands

Who has not dreamed of living and working on an island in the Caribbean at least once in their life? The Caribbean islands occupy part of the Caribbean Sea. The archipelago consists of numerous islands: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, the Cayman Islands, St. Lucia, the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, the Dominican Republic, Anguilla, the…

Work Holiday Visa Canada

Work Holiday Visa Canada

International Experience Canada (IEC), also called Working Holiday Visa (WHV), is a program for young people to visit Canada and gain work experience. It is aimed at people under the age of 35 and gives them the opportunity to work for up to 2 years. The program is offered only to certain countries with which…
